Keene Chapter to Visit Shriners Hospital

Keene Chapter announces a visit and tour of the Shriners' Hospitals for Children at the Springfield, Massachusetts Unit on Sunday, February 26, 2012.

The Chapter and Advisors will leave the Keene Masonic Building at 11:00 AM for Springfield with the tour to start at 1:00 PM. All Chapters, Advisors, Masons, and Shrine Masons are welcome to join them as they learn about the cutting edge medical care that the Shrine Hospitals give, free of charge to any child that needs treatment. This is a great opportunity for DeMolays to learn about this great philanthropy, share in Brotherhood and a have a great time!!

So come and join Keene Chapter in learning about Dad Land’s other passion! Please contact Dad LaPointe@ 603-313-9997 with questions and reservations!